Are you living in the eternal realm?

2 Cor 4:18 While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

As long as we are in the body, we are in the temporal realm, the realm of the senses. However we are not to see this temporal realm as permanent, it is subject to change.

The will of God is not always done in this temporary realm, but it can be done in this temporal realm, because it is subject to change. Eph 1:3 declares that we are already blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places (the realm of the spirit.)

As we pray and believe that God’s will be done on earth (the temporal, subject to change realm) as it is in heaven (the eternal unchangeable spiritual realm.) You will see God’s will come to pass in your life.

The Word declares to pray daily for the Father’s will (His desires for us) to be done in our lives today. His desire is that we believe His Word so that it manifests in our lives daily. So we believe what He says and He causes it to come to pass in our life.

Father, thank you, Your will be done in my life, today, as it has been done in heaven. Amen.

Your brother in Christ,

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