Stand Fast

Gal 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

Have you ever missed God, made a mistake or didn’t do something you knew the Lord was telling you to do? I missed the Lord and made a mistake. It was a wrong decision which resulted in a feeling of guilt and condemnation. I was allowing self pity to have its way. So much so, that I felt I had disappointed God. I had let Him down.

During a morning walk I sensed a peace rise up within me. It was the peace of God and I heard, “John, do you not know that you never disappoint me. I am never ashamed of you, so do not be ashamed of yourself. I never fail, therefore you never fail. I have made you righteous. Your righteousness is of Me.” When I heard this, instantly all guilt and condemnation vanished. I stopped trying to make up for my mistakes with God. I was freed.

The Word tells us to stand fast in the liberty God has provided!

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